Letter to life.


Dear Zindagi

It’s been a long time since we have reciprocated. How are doing these days? I hope everything is fine. Let’s discuss something about life and it’s sweetness and harshness today. Let’s talk about the people who enjoy the life and some who aren’t happy with their ‘s.

Let me start with a very short story of mine. In a past few couple of weeks I grew sad with out any reason and started pondering about the obstacles that Life creates in our way and like a fool I was just thinking about the obstacles and its negatives Sitting on the floor I was behaving like a mere lifeless block. Rather than solving my obstacles I was creating a one in  the path of an ant,I didn’t even bother about anything else and I was blocking the way of such a tiny creature with a stick but this ant taught me inspirational lesson in my life as I was blocking its way it didn’t stop but it continued its journey by turning around and i observed it quite a few times and learned that no matter how much obstacles that you face in life it’s always about that hard work and your dedication that you put in to achieve your goals. Zindagi this is something that sounds very silly that a small living creature helped me to brighten my future, but yes these are the small turns that happens in one’s life which their life in a big way.

my take on life – “Life is all about enjoying the present without bothering much about future”.

Let’s talk about someone else life now. A week ago on the Diwali night I’ve been to an orphanage to share some sweets with them and believe me they were so much happy with the little things that they have rather than expressing their greed. It’s the sad bitterness of the life that some people aren’t blessed like us to life in a very healthy family but they actually know the best way to live their life to the fullest. In actual their smiles can fill up your soul. People should actually learn from them how to cherish and live their life to the fullest.

Just like little happy moments which brings a smile on your face .I am sure this small video is going to make up your day.

There are often so many people who complain about their life being harsh to them and never succeed in their goals may be they should take their time off to discuss their life with Zindagi like I am doing. My life, how lucky I am to discuss everything with you and the best part is there is no third ear.

“Remember one thing, at the end of a day its all about your own self”.

never let your worries overshadow your happiness.

My life , i promise you that I am going to live you to the fullest , with out bothering much about the superficial things. I will always stay strong at heart and will spread the happiness around us and will try hard to add some happiness in others life too.

Thank you my life , for always keeping me away from anxiety, loneliness and filling my soul with happiness.

Yours lovingly


“I am writing a letter to life for the #DearZindagi activity at BlogAdda“.

-I Vishesh kedia , would like to thank all the readers who have take time out of their busy schedule to read my story of life .


Letter to my Zindagi. 

Dear Zindagi 

                      It’s been a long time since we have reciprocated. How are doing these days? I hope everything is fine. Let’s discuss something about life and it’s sweetness and harshness today. Let’s talk about the people who enjoy the life and some who aren’t happy with their ‘s.

      Let me start with a very short story of mine. In a past few couple of weeks I grew sad with olive ny reason and started pondering about the obstacles that Life creates in our way and like a fool I was just thinking about the obstacles and its negatives Sitting on the floor I was behaving like a mere lifeless block. Rather than solving my obstacles I was creating a one in  the path of an ant,I didn’t even bother about anything else and I was blocking the way of such a tiny creature with a stick but this ant taught me inspirational lesson in my life as I was blocking its way it didn’t stop but it continued its journey by turning around and i observed it quite a few times and learned that no matter how much obstacles that you face in life it’s always about that hard work and your dedication that you put in to achieve your goals. Zindagi this is something that sounds very silly that a small living creature helped me to brighten my future, but yes these are the small turns that happens in one’s life which their life in a big way. 

Let’s talk about someone else’s life now. A week ago on the Diwali night I’ve been to an orphanage to share some sweets with them and believe me they were so much happy with the little things that they have rather than expressing their greed. It’s the sad bitterness of the life that some people aren’t blesed like us to life in a very healthy family but they actually know the best way to live their life to the fullest. In actual their smiles can fill up your soul. People should actually learn from them how to cherish and live their life to the fullest. 

            There are often so many people who complain about their life being harsh to them and never succeed in their goals may be they should take their time off to discuss their life with Zindagi like I am doing. My life, how lucky I am to discuss everything with you and the best part is there is no third ear. 

      Thank you, for always keeping me away from anxiety, loneliness and filling my soul with happiness. 

Yours lovingly 

I am writing this letter to life for the #DearZindagi activity at BlogAdda. 

